Jamie's Portfolio

The trials and tribulations of Jamie Brown on his quest for Web Design

He’ll Teach Me Loads

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What I’m hoping to get most out of this Web Design course is a better idea of design aesthetics and proper website construction. I don’t feel intimidated by the coding aspects, in fact I’m excited to start learning that; however the creativity aspect causes me some anxiety. I’ve never been known for my creativity, and would love to overcome that by designing a beautiful website that everyone loves to look at. I took this class to learn how to design a website, not how to code one. With little transition I’ll explain as well why this class will benefit my career. In today’s society computers are everywhere, and will only proliferate. My goal is a become a physician, a field more and more involved with cutting edge technology and the Internet. I’m hoping this class will give me skills I can use my entire life, whether its building a site for a private practice, maintaining a site for a group I’m part of, or simply having the knowledge of what a website is based in. I’m hoping to not only learn about web design, but how I can apply it.

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