Jamie's Portfolio

The trials and tribulations of Jamie Brown on his quest for Web Design

Assignment 1: WordPress

The ease of use, and professionalism of WordPress blew me away. One of the biggest challenges I faced was overcoming the hurdle to just get started. The WordPress website has made the entire process not only easy, but enjoyable. I spent about forty-five enjoyable minutes simply going through their themes trying to decide which one I liked most. What I really loved though? My theme isn’t permanent! If I grow bored with this one, or even if I wanted to create my own, WordPress allows for that to be done with ease.  I look forward to using this website to share my projects in this class, and hope to use it as a storage and display of any future projects I work on. Maybe I teach myself how to paint, or some other class has me do interesting work. It’ll be cool to post it up here in an organized and professional manner, and eventually I might even be able to use this as a way to get hired.

One final challenge I faced with this assignment dealt with my own distractability on the internet. Every five minutes I would go check my Tumblr or Facebook, and I can see this being an issue not only for this class but my other online ones as well. Luckily this class deals with online things, and blogging, so it was never hard to pull myself back into the work, but its definitely something I need to recognize early on, and any tips you readers can offer me will be greatly appreciated! Well, here’s to a great new class, and learning new skills! Wish me luck!

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