Jamie's Portfolio

The trials and tribulations of Jamie Brown on his quest for Web Design

Assignment 6: Design Trends

This week we learned about the current design trends of website design. This includes things like a large background image, big text, and use of javascript to animate aspects of the page. I learned how to make a single webpage with multiple sections instead of a multi-page website. It condenses all work into one page, with unique backgrounds and sections as your scroll down. I had trouble with the page as the window gets smaller, but we are learning how to fix that next week. I’m still having a bit of trouble getting floating correct as well, I need to pay attention to the width’s more often. I feel like the webpage is a little boring this time,  but the effects and single page design are really cool to look at. It will be cool to try and integrate this into a real website at some point. Lastly, here is the link to my webpage. https://ispace-2013.cci.fsu.edu/~jmb11ac/cgs2821/proj6/

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