Jamie's Portfolio

The trials and tribulations of Jamie Brown on his quest for Web Design

Assignment 7: Responsive Design

This week we learned all about responsive design!universe-scale-400 That is, making out webpage respond to the window size its displayed in. This was really fun to use, and I can see a lot of potential in its use (but I could say that about everything I’ve learned so far). It was really neat to play around with how things look in different browser sizes, and I’ve always wondered how websites managed to become mobile and still look good. Lord knows when my website was viewed from a mobile platform before this lesson it was a hot mess. I’m still wrapping my brain around when to use “%” vs “px” in size determinations, and it’s going to take some playing around with to get right. (Oh darn, I’ll just have to spend more time on the computer!) I did find it a little annoying to have to save-upload-view to make sure my mobile site was working ok, but it was worth the effort. Only problem I see now is how to make my site look more professional. You can tell it’s made by a beginner, don’t lie! Anyway, here is a link to my website. Hope you enjoy playing around with the window size. https://ispace-2013.cci.fsu.edu/~jmb11ac/cgs2821/proj7/. Oh! One more thing. The gif at the top of the page comes from montessorimuddle.org, credit where credit is due. I thought it was a cute representation of the work we learned.

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