Jamie's Portfolio

The trials and tribulations of Jamie Brown on his quest for Web Design


A link to the past – my web disaster

Before I delve into the new stuff, let me share what experience I do have with designing websites. For this I have to look way back to a Technology class I took in the ninth grade (that’s right folks! High school!). Our teacher, Ms. Whatserface gave the class a project, any project we want, as long as it dealt with technology. Some kids wanted to build a hydrogen fuel cell, others a model bridge, I went with an informational website on the International Baccalaureate program at my school. Starting from scratch I taught myself HTML, feeling like I could overthrow society at the same time with all my newly learned coding abilities. I dove right in, choosing gaudy backgrounds, writing in lime green text, making one paragraph pop and the next fizzle. You wanted links, I gave you links. Some links even went no where, but I coded them in! What I had failed to grasp was the concept of design. How to relay my information on the IB program in a useful (non-offensive to the eyes) kind of way.

I turn my color-splosion of a website in for grading, and despite its design flaws received an A. (It was high school and I at least put in effort). Thinking myself a technical guru I started looking into CSS, the next hurdle. It confused me almost immediately and I gave up within a week. So there you have it, my technical history. I’ve got old knowledge of HTML and new enthusiasm to apply it and finally overcome that CSS hurdle. (It also wouldn’t hurt to learn aesthetics on the way.)

For your enjoyment here is a kitten drinking water.

Taken at La Alhambra, Spain

Taken at La Alhambra, Spain